Two Final Quests to End the School Year!


While much of learning has quieted across our country due to COVID-19, our seventh Session of school brings two new Quests to promote deep, remote, relevant learning:

Elementary—CEO Kids Quest

Middle & High—Personal Finance Quest

Quests are real-world projects to master 21st-century skills. Usually lasting four- to six-weeks, each Quest includes a series of challenges bound by a compelling narrative and is designed to deliver 21st century skills while simultaneously incorporating traditional topics like science, social studies, and history.


Introducing the Entrepreneurship Quest!

CEO Kids is a Quest in which heroes create and pitch a business in hopes of securing a $100 initial investment. For this Quest, heroes will dig deep into what it means to embody an entrepreneur mindset, participate as a vendor for a virtual market, and pitch their businesses “Shark Tank Style”. Along the way, they explore the following concepts in entrepreneurship: Idea Generation, Market Research, Design Thinking and Prototyping, Business Models, and Pitching. CEO Kids is designed to equip heroes with skills, tools, and frameworks needed to start a business. The Quest has two main goals: 

  1. To learn more about themselves; to become more familiar with their individual strengths, and strengths within the framework of a team and within the context of heroes in entrepreneurship

  2. To learn as much about entrepreneurship as possible

For the virtual Exhibition in late May 2020, there will be Shark Tank style sales pitches to local entrepreneurs where heroes present their biz idea with prototypes and try to get “investments” ($50-$100 Cash Prize). Heroes will also have the opportunity to be vendors at the next Children’s Business Fair (planned Summer or Fall 2020).

Middle & High School

Introducing the Personal Finance Quest!

“At the end of the day financial responsibility is not a dream, it’s a responsibility” -Dolores Hirschman

Throughout life we face numerous personal finance choices and decisions. For some of us, the process of making decisions can be haphazard. Yet analyzing a situation, identifying our choices, and making informed decisions are processes that can be learned and practiced. This session heroes will work through challenges that will teach them effective money management. In addition it will provide heroes with an opportunity to learn more about decision-making, encourage them to consider various topics related to career planning and the financial aspects of employment, develop their own personal financial goals and budget, provide a reality check for heroes as they investigate the costs associated with moving, college planning, obtaining furniture and appliances, and renting an apartment, as well as investigate the different types of financial service products available and their features. It all starts with a goal and a step-by-step plan for implementing and turning those goals in action. 

Heroes will take on the following topics:

  • Making personal finance decisions. 

  • Making Money

  • The Art of Budgeting & Saving

  • Living on Your Own

  • Credit and Buying a Home

  • The Cost of College

  • Final Preparation

When heroes finish this Quest it is our hope that they gain better decision making skills along with a financial understanding of how the world works, as well as be able to answer the question, “why is this useful and where will I use this in life?”. 

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Tyler Thigpen